Welcome to the new MIRA Website

After many months in development, the newly redesigned MiraAmusement.com website has been launched! It is with great pleasure and pride that we present our new website, totally redesigned with our new visual identity! Our website has been designed to improve your customer experience and to give you easier access to all our products and services.
This initiative stems from a desire to respond more adequately to the needs of our customers through a mode of effective and accessible communication. More attractive, more dynamic and current, the new website offers content much more elaborate than the previous version.
Not only is our new website is compatible with the most popular browsers, but it is also mobile! This new redesign is a responsive site, so it will look good on your smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers. Another major new feature: accessibility. We are confident that these changes will improve your user experience and that it will give us the chance to serve you better.
As always, the site will remain available in both English and French. Please feel free visit the site on a regular basis to view our latest news and updated product content. If you have any questions about the website in general, or would like us to send you a customized quote, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Visit our website often and give us your feedback.
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